
  • Contains Magnesium Phosphide that generates Phosphine Gas.
  • Addresses the special needs of tobacco industry
  • Versatile fumigant for use on most grains and commodities
  • Fast activity and no residue
Magnaphos, containing Magnesium Phosphide, produces Phosphine gas when acted upon by atmospheric moisture. Magnaphos decomposes faster than Aluminum Phosphide, reaching its maximum concentration in 24-36 hours depending on ambient temperature and humidity. Magnesium Phosphide is mixed and uniformly embedded in the polymer in a plate approximately of size 215 mm x 340 mm x 4 mm. These plates are covered in a moisture-permeable material which also holds the residue after fumigation is completed.
Magnaphos is the most commonly used fumigant for the control of stored Tobacco & stored grain pests particularly when the temperatures are low and when the quick release of phosphine gas is desired.

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